I like art, technology and crazy ambitious ideas.
- Age 13: Taught myself programming and graphic design
- Age 16: Placed in global top 4% at Google Code-In
- Age 17: Placed 3rd in Skills Canada Provincial Graphics Design Competition
- Age 19: Placed 1st in an IBM UX Design Competition with a 5-person team
- Age 20: Started as a software engineer at PocketHealth — a healthcare startup
- Age 21: Founding engineer for Arise Money — a mobile banking app
- Age 22: Dropped out of University (UofT) to work on something important
- Age 23: Founder/CEO of Scholar — backed by Balaji Srinivasan
- Age 24: Worked directly under Brian Armstrong at ResearchHub
- Age 25: Commoditizing compute and intelligence at Prime Intellect